Worst copy editor ever. Persistently looking over my shoulder.



LinkedIn (bio reading)

Instagram (light reading)


What Took Me So Long?

I’ve been writing for years, but didn’t begin as an ad copywriter.

What led me here? My career path. Goes like this.

Graduate with English Education degree. Teach middle schoolers for one year in the Midwest. Realize not all students come around to loving language like they do in Dead Poets Society. Move to LA and get job creating training for Fortune 500 companies. Work at Toyota’s HQ for years managing vendors who produce eLearning courses. Transition to work with one of these vendors to be on the creative side. Create truckloads of automotive content for a variety of OEMs. Decide to freelance. Land Virgin Voyages as a client. Start taking ad copywriting classes at The Book Shop. Team up to create lots of campaigns. Win a One Show pencil. Continue loving the creative process.

My Typical Day

Run > Fuel Up > Skim Ad Trends > Write > Engage in Mtgs > Refuel > Ideate > Collab > Present > Unwind > Laugh